
The FAN is the soul! FAN is FUN

I love this guys and I need to publish some pictures of them!

They are special and with them I lived good adventures!

I love all!

I the Pictures:
Sarah-Chibi, João Aranha, Bruna(DekaIruka), Hitsu and others...
Ah... Tani-san (Takayoshi Tanimoto) and Nob(Nobuo Yamada) is in one of pics, too!

Thanks for Sarah and João for the pics!


Super-Con 2011

It's my pleasure to anounce the beautiful angels (girls) that Super-Con is receiving in this year!

My Comment about is: Very Good!

The first is Yumi Matsuzawa! She sings Saint Seiya(Hades)!

And Daisy x Daisy - MIKA! She sings Fairy Tale!


Meeting Again

Well... I'm here just to put some pictures about this last weekend!
After a so long time, I see Yoffy and Joe again and a lot of good friends, too!
Unfortunately, I couldn't to speak with them, cause now, they was with another company... difficult to meet them!

But was 2 good shows, that I loved!

Here some pics!