
Brazilian Anime Bands!

My friends of the world!!!
Amigos ao redor do Mundo!!!

Time after time I write here!
De tempo em tempo eu apareço aqui!

Today I'll post the pictures about some Brazilian Anime Bands that I met yesterday in AnimeXtreme event.
Hoje eu irei postar a repeito de algumas Bandas de Anime Brasileiras das quais eu encontrei ontem, no evento AnimeXtreme.

After a so long time, I coul to sing some animesong in public again! Thanks everyone!
Depois de um longo período, eu pude cantar algum animesong em público de novo! Obrigada a todos!

Was there 3 bands:
Eram 3 bandas:

Gaijin Sentai - My friends that I don't met so long time ago! I was miss them!
Gaijin Sentai - Meus amigos que eu conheci há muito tempo atrás! Estava com saudade deles!

The Kira Justice - They are my big amazing friends that lives in my city, but we meet so trifle!
The Kira Justice - Eles são meus grandes e maravilhosos amigos que vivem na minha cidade, mas nós nos encontramos muito pouco!


Ryokan - Some band that I had so much PLEASURE to met them! They are from Santa Catarina (state of Brazil).
Ryokan - É uma banda que eu tive MUITO prazer em conhecer! Eles são de Santa Catarina.

Oh YeaH!
I saw old friends, knew new friends and spoke a lot with beautiful men! They are cutie. right?!
Ah sim!
Eu revi antigos amigos, conheci novos amigos e falei com um monte de homens bonitos! Eles são uma graça, não são?!

Vinny Lessa (Ryokan)

Raphael (Ryokan)

Matheus Lynar(The Kira Justice)

Set List of Gaijin Sentai!

Gaijin Sentai and Me!

Dani and Nordan (Gaijin Sentai)

Thiago Chevalier (Ryokan)



I'm here cause I want to say how much I want the recover of my friend Wada Koji (Digimon singer)!

This is the message from all brazilian fans!! We are praying for you!

Sarah-Chibi was created the tag #WadaKojiGanbatte (on Twitter) with the objective to support her beloved singer Wada Koji san!

About Internet conversations:

I'm TOO angry about some blogs on Brazil, that made sensationalism using the information about Wada Koji's physical condition!

If you don't know about, read his blog! He explain everything in English!

About Replace:

Some people are speaking on internet that YOFFY reaplace Wada Koji in the music project to Digimon Xcross Wars...

But I think so it's not truth!

Cause YOFFY made the composition and lyrics of "Tagiru Chikara" (one music of Digimon Xcross Wars). I don't read about some participation of Wada Koji san or his REPLACE in this music!

I'm speaking about official information that was announced in music informations...
Have NO DECLARATIONS about this informations that people are speaking by internet!


I Love AnimeSongs!

I wanna to speak a lot of things, but it's a little bit difficult...
Sometimes it's better just share our experiences!

I wanna invite everybody to share your animesong

s experiences on FaceBook's group I love AnimeSongs!

Eu queria falar um monte de coisas, mas isso é um pouco difícil...
Às vezes, é melhor apenas compartilhar nossas experiências!

Eu queria convidar a todos a compartilhar suas experiências com animesongs no Grupo do FaceBook I love AnimeSongs!

- Let's SING!


Yumi Matsuzawa - Super-Con 2011

I can't be quiet about this show in Recife-Brazil!
I really wanna be there!!! But unfortunately, the distance is so big!

Congrats for the great show:
Super-Con's Staff (old SuperHero-Con)
Yumi Matsuzawa
All fans!


Eu não posso ficar quieta sobre este show em Recife-Brasil!
Eu queria muito estar lá!!! mas infelizmente, a distância é muito grande!

Parabéns pelo maravilhoso show:
Equipe Super-Con (antigo SuperHero-Con)
Yumi Matsuzawa
E Todos os fãs!

Watch this video about show:
Assistam esse vídeo do show:


The FAN is the soul! FAN is FUN

I love this guys and I need to publish some pictures of them!

They are special and with them I lived good adventures!

I love all!

I the Pictures:
Sarah-Chibi, João Aranha, Bruna(DekaIruka), Hitsu and others...
Ah... Tani-san (Takayoshi Tanimoto) and Nob(Nobuo Yamada) is in one of pics, too!

Thanks for Sarah and João for the pics!


Super-Con 2011

It's my pleasure to anounce the beautiful angels (girls) that Super-Con is receiving in this year!

My Comment about is: Very Good!

The first is Yumi Matsuzawa! She sings Saint Seiya(Hades)!

And Daisy x Daisy - MIKA! She sings Fairy Tale!


Meeting Again

Well... I'm here just to put some pictures about this last weekend!
After a so long time, I see Yoffy and Joe again and a lot of good friends, too!
Unfortunately, I couldn't to speak with them, cause now, they was with another company... difficult to meet them!

But was 2 good shows, that I loved!

Here some pics!


So long...

So long time I don't write, here, right?
Well... I back with my bad english!

So... this time I wasn't very excited to write...
After I left this job, my life have another priorities... so bored life!

But need to talk about the e-book from Alexandre Nagado.

If you are japanese, maybe you don't know him! But he is a great designer for cartoons! (my english, maybe is wrong...)
So... he isn't a animesinger! But he know a lot about anime, mangá, tokusatsu and general japanese culture!

He's e-book is about this, japanese pop culture! So interesting!
I read this e-book and I liked a lot!


To buy this e-book CLICK >> HERE!


#PrayForJapan - Pray for Japan!!!

This sentence is popular, now...
Some people says that this is jus vogue, not important!...

I don't agree!

Now, I'll explain why...

This week, since march 11th, I was crazy asking to myself "This is real? This is not the episode 0 of Witchblade?"

I was really worried about people that I love in Japan! I still worried...
March 11th and 12th the chaos was ruling there! Twitter was a big help to know what was happening...

I cry A LOT, so nervous, anxious...
What was the right attitude? Call, don't call? Send message, don't send message? He is ok or not?

In this week I just try think something to express this infinite universe about my feelings in this moment...
I try think something to express for confort my beloveds and that people...
I try understand the pain... But I couldn't!

Nothing can express and anyone can understand that pain!

I think how I can help... Donations? Bringing japaneses to my house?(I still think about this) going there?...


I can pray! I can help using my feelings, my energy!
In this christian reality, pray sounds such a big square! So boring...
But to pray, for japaneses, is your best to try touch someone!
If you don't believe in some spiritual reality, pray is a proof that you really care about someone!
So... To pray can be too much more than you on your knees, for the listener!

I really pray for Japan, because this is my belief and my own nature!


"So I pray and touch your heart, your life!" (Prayer - somewhere on the planet, Psychic Lover)



After a long long time, I'm here!

I know that I need say sorry for this late!

But I need tell you...
When Takayoshi Tanimoto comes to Brazil (in the truth, was before) I decided don't to work in this job anymore!

I really loved to work with animesingers! I learned so much things and knew people that I NEVER will forget!

This job change my life forever!

I learned 2new languages, knew wonderfull people...
But in this job, I lost friends and lost my dear love...

I need say thanks for some people:
And my amazing translators: Ruri-chan & Yoshinobu-kun

In Brazil I say Thanks to:

And I need say thanks for every anime fans and animesongs fans that send me messages speaking about animesongs!

My life never will be the same after this job!

I don't will close the doors to this job!
If somebody needs help, I'll try help giving my best! But friendships and relationships are so much more important to me!

I'll keep writing about animesongs, because I'll always be an animesongs fan!

Keep on the Road!